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Steven Tessier
1,755 points / 30 mins

Steven Tessier is a veteran teacher with over 30 years of experience. He is also the founder and director of the Whygo Language Center in Taipei.

Shad Gilbert
1,755 points / 30 mins

Shad is a Senior teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience in the US, China and Taiwan. He is also the head teacher at the Whygo Language Center in Taipei.

Some of our success stories!

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The video lessons are great, they provide us with a variety of lessons for us to study by ourselves, and on the computer we can do a lot of exercises. In fact, it helps very much.
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I really like the teacher's way of teaching here, explain demonstration -> practice -> immediate correction! This kind of teaching mode allows us to practice what the teacher taught immediately and make immediate corrections, interactive teaching Let me learn a lot.
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Michelle Tseng
IELTS7Online is the most ideal site for me after comparing major teaching sites. Compared with the other big online learning site, IELTS7Online has great courses and an all-English model (with foreign teachers teaching as well).